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The Good And The Bad About Jared Leto’s Joker In Suicide Squad

There you have it, folks. The new look of the Joker for Suicide Squad. Ever since it was revealed over the weekend, opinions on it have been divided right down the middle. Some people think he looks psychotic and interesting, and dig how the shot is clearly an homage to the iconic Killing Joke Joker illustration. On the other hand, though, some people think he looks like he is squarely aimed at the Hot Topic target demo and that he too closely resembles Marilyn Manson than the Joker we all know and love and fear.

Jared Leto Can Actually Act

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No matter what a character looks like, it all comes down to how well the actor can convince the audience that they are watching a real, unhinged individual and not an actor just playing crazy. That is why we all ate up Heath’s Joker, because we know it was real and we knew that he REALLY went that dark in his own life to tap into that. Do we think Leto can do the same? Let’s look at the former work that he’s done and decide.

Mr. Nobody, Fight Club, Dallas Buyer’s Club, Requiem for a Dream, Chapter 27, Girl Interrupted, American Psycho….I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Leto has a very solid and varied body of work behind him. Some may hate him for how cocky he is, and some may hate him for his band and how damn theatrical they try to be. Some may even hate him because he is pretty. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of his or not, you cannot say that he is a bad actor. He’s impressed time and time again with his performances and as of now, it would be unfair to judge how we will do as the Joker based on the look alone.

Simply put, we must wait to reserve our judgement until we hear what kind of cackle he speaks with, or if he walks hunched over or upright. We need to wait to see his physical mannerisms, and how he moves across the screen. There’s so much that is still unknown that at this point, we just don’t know how his version of the character will turn out.

That being said, I think that, despite a few questionable attributes, they’re off to a good start with Leto’s Joker and if nothing else, the filmmakers certainly have our attention.

Tell us, what do you think of Jared Leto’s Joker for Suicide Squad? Are you a fan of the direction that they’re going in so far? Sound off below!