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The Good And The Bad About Jared Leto’s Joker In Suicide Squad

There you have it, folks. The new look of the Joker for Suicide Squad. Ever since it was revealed over the weekend, opinions on it have been divided right down the middle. Some people think he looks psychotic and interesting, and dig how the shot is clearly an homage to the iconic Killing Joke Joker illustration. On the other hand, though, some people think he looks like he is squarely aimed at the Hot Topic target demo and that he too closely resembles Marilyn Manson than the Joker we all know and love and fear.

That Grill (And Lack Of Smile Scars Or Makeup)

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The mouth is what most people are getting hung up on, and with damn good reason. Is that a grill? And are those just silver teeth, or fillings that have lost control? Either way, while it does look pretty creepy, it doesn’t remind us of the mouth of the Joker, which is one of his most defining characteristics.

To strip that away completely or redefine it might be a huge mistake here. There have already been some funny memes made of that face on the cover of a rap album and such, and as of now, the character’s mouth kind of looks like what you would get if you mated Marilyn Manson with Eminem. Seriously.

We know that Jared Leto is beautiful and all, but this is kind of ridiculous.