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The Good And The Bad About Jared Leto’s Joker In Suicide Squad

There you have it, folks. The new look of the Joker for Suicide Squad. Ever since it was revealed over the weekend, opinions on it have been divided right down the middle. Some people think he looks psychotic and interesting, and dig how the shot is clearly an homage to the iconic Killing Joke Joker illustration. On the other hand, though, some people think he looks like he is squarely aimed at the Hot Topic target demo and that he too closely resembles Marilyn Manson than the Joker we all know and love and fear.

The Tats

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Come on, self-aware tats? REALLY? I spent a good time thinking about these tattoos and I have come to one of two conclusions. One justifies them, and one makes me hate them even more.

On the one hand, they are nods to the former actors who have played The Joker. Death on his chest could be Cesar Romero, who played him first, and the smile on the arm could be an homage to Jack’s Joker. As for the HaHaHa font, it could be a cinematic nod to Ledger’s genius portrayal.

The other conclusion I’ve come to is that these tattoos are simply here just to show us how crazy Leto’s Joker is, which is lame and comes off as the filmmakers trying too hard. While I will begrudgingly admit that I like the “Damaged” tattoo on the forehead, the other ones just don’t it for me, unless they are homages, which they probably are not.

Regardless, the idea of a Batman villain having self-aware tattoos REALLY annoys me. It’s like having Bane with a tattoo on his chest that says “BACKBREAKER,” or a Riddler covered in question mark tats.