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James Gunn may have ruffled some powerful feathers by trashing the first decade of the DCU

Even though honesty is always the best policy.

James Gunn
Screengrab via Twitter

Not having any experience as a studio executive prior to be named as the DCU’s new overseer might prove to be beneficial in the long run for James Gunn, but it sounds as though his inability to hold back on sharing his unfiltered opinion may have ruffled a few feathers behind the scenes at Warner Bros.

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To be fair, the filmmaker was merely stating something that a large number of fans would agree with, whether it was Henry Cavill being “dicked around” by the previous regime, or his scorched earth rant on the first decade of the franchise that saw him unload both barrels on everything from Joss Whedon’s Justice League to the SnyderVerse.

John Cena Peacemaker Eagly
Image via DC Films

As it turns out, some of the people he criticized are still actively part of the furniture at WB, with The Hollywood Reporter hinting that a select few aren’t best pleased with Gunn and Peter Safran immediately taking aim at their many failings in trying to turn the DCU into a sustainable, consistent, and altogether unified property.

The Guardians of the Galaxy director didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, because even the most vocal of Gunn’s critics can’t sit there with a straight face and claim that the DCU was firing on all cylinders from Man of Steel onward, never mind the various offshoots that kept springing up, or the old guard’s penchant for announcing projects and then proceeding to do absolutely nothing with them before pulling the plug.

Gunn doesn’t do corporate speak, and that could turn out to be a huge asset.