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Jai Courtney Will Die Hard With Bruce Willis

Well, it came down to two young men for the role of John McClane's son in the new Die Hard film, A Good Day To Die Hard. Originally, a whole slew of Hollywood's hottest talents were in the running but when it came right down to it, it was Jai Courtney vs. Liam Hemsworth and now FOX has announced that Mr. Courtney has won the role.

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Well, it came down to two young men for the role of John McClane’s son in the new Die Hard film, A Good Day To Die Hard. Originally, a whole slew of Hollywood’s hottest talents were in the running but when it came right down to it, it was Jai Courtney vs. Liam Hemsworth and now FOX has announced that Mr. Courtney has won the role.

If you’re wondering why, it’s probably because he was cheaper than the mighty in demand Hemsworth. But cheap shouldn’t be associated with quality in this case as Courtney proved himself in the hit TV show Spartacus: Blood and Sand. While he may not be well known, with this role, plus his appearance in Christopher McQuarrie’s One Shot, alongside Tom Cruise, he should start to see his star rise shortly.

FOX is likely grooming Courtney to take over the series as well once Willis is done with it, so hopefully they’ve made the right choice here.  As a fan of his work on Spartacus: Blood and Sand, I’m happy to see Courtney earning some recognition and I think he’ll make a fine addition to the cast.

What do you think? Can Courtney pull it off?