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Exclusive Interview With Richard Schenkman On Man From Earth Millennium

In 2007 The Man From Earth took the internet by storm, introducing a mind-boggling, completely compelling science fiction concept to an unexpectedly wide audience. It was writer Jerome Bixby’s final work, and the film wasn’t made until almost a decade after his death. Now, six years after the film’s release, the filmmakers are listening to the audience cries for more, and making a sequel titled Man From Earth Millennium.


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WGTC: Who all from the cast is returning?

Schenkman: David Lee Smith is returning and if anybody else is I’m not at liberty to say.

WGTC: So I’m guessing you aren’t willing to reveal anything about the plot?

Schenkman: No. Nothing at all. Well, nothing more than what I’ve told you.

WGTC: Part of the magic of the original is the fact is so dialogue heavy and yet manages to be completely compelling. Will this sequel be as dialogue heavy or will there be more action?

Schenkman: The answer is yes. It will be just as dialogue heavy, but there will be a little more action. But only a little! It would be a hell of a thing if I should turn around and do the very thing that I would mock about other people’s attempts to make The Man From Earth. In other words, the idea of making a movie where John is on the run from the CIA who wants a sample of his blood. How could I do that? My thinking was always it has to honor the first film. That is, it basically has to be in the format of the first film where it’s primarily dialogue-driven, primarily about ideas and philosophy, and the conflict arises from the exchange of ideas. But at the same time, the first film was definitely a little claustrophobic and could’ve used a little more of people going in and out of rooms, for example. So there is more movement in this new film.

WGTC: If someone is still on the fence about contributing, what would your quick pitch to them be?

Schenkman: Quick pitch? If you love the first film and you’d like to see a sequel, this is the only way to get it done.

I have explored numerous other methods of funding the production of the movie, and none of them have come to fruition. This movie became a hit, not a financial hit but an emotional hit; millions of people have seen it solely because of fans. So here’s an opportunity for fans to fund the movie, whether it’s simply by pre-buying it or by making a more significant donation. The only way it’s going to get made is if enough fans say they want to see it and put their money where their desire is.

The thing that’s funny about Veronica Mars and Zach Braff is, Warner Brothers would’ve given a few million dollars for a direct-to-video Veronica Mars sequel. Zach Braff says right in his video, he could’ve gotten the money to make his movie, but he claims he wasn’t going to have the 100% creative control that he wanted. Boo-hoo. He still could’ve gotten his movie made and he could’ve gotten a movie that even had it not been 100% the movie he wanted, it would’ve been certainly well over 90%. In the case of Man From Earth Millennium, I’ve spent years now trying to get it made, and I’m unfortunately here to tell you this is the only way it’ll get made. With up-front fan support. I wish I could explain that. You’re talking about a movie that’s been viewed over a million times by Netflix users. A movie that’s sold well over 100,000 DVDs. So you think, why can’t that movie get funded? But I haven’t been able to get it funded.

But having said all that, in case I haven’t expressed it clearly enough, I want to make it clear that I’m so incredibly grateful and humbled and proud at the same time for all the support that The Man From Earth has gotten over the years. I’ll bump into somebody, anywhere in the world, we’ll get to talking and they’ll say, “Oh, you’re a filmmaker, what’ve you done?” I’ll say, “I’ve made this movie and that movie.” And they say, “You made The Man From Earth? I love The Man From Earth! All my friends love The Man From Earth!” I once was handing a copy to a friend at a coffee shop and the girl working the register said to my friend, “Oh that’s the movie I’m always telling you you need to see.” She had gotten a DVD for herself, and bought a copy for her dad. And my friend said, “This is the guy who made it.” That’s just people I meet personally. I also get e-mails all the time. But even if I never get in direct contact with the people, to know, just from looking in message boards or whatever, to know that you’ve made a movie that’s touched so many people, that’s the finest goal of any artist, any filmmaker.

The fact is, if I never do anything else of note, I made a movie that a lot of people have seen and loved, and that  makes me proud every single day. So those days when you’re having creative difficulties or you can’t get to the next step in your career or you’re frustrated by the industry, you just remember, “Well, at least we have that movie that’s touched a lot of people.” It’s a humbling thing to have in your heart. I’m so grateful to science fiction fans all over the world for allowing me to have that feeling.

That concludes our interview, but I’d like to thank Richard for taking the time to talk. If you want to learn more about Man From Earth Millennium or contribute to the film, head on over to the project’s Kickstarter page.