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The Internet’s Loving Jim Carrey’s Ace Ventura Reference On Saturday Night Live

Jim Carrey's star may have faded from his heyday when the rubber-faced comedian was one of the most popular and bankable actors on the planet, but it was still a huge coup when Saturday Night Live secured his services to recur on the latest season as Joe Biden. Fans were initially very receptive to the idea, but opinion shifted dramatically once he eventually made his debut and his performance came under heavy criticism for being absolutely nothing like the politician, with Carrey instead opting to play an extension of his established screen persona, albeit one caked in old age makeup.

Ace Ventura

Jim Carrey’s star may have faded from his heyday when the rubber-faced comedian was one of the most popular and bankable actors on the planet, but it was still a huge coup when Saturday Night Live secured his services to recur on the latest season as Joe Biden. Fans were initially very receptive to the idea, but opinion shifted dramatically once he eventually made his debut and his performance came under heavy criticism for being absolutely nothing like the politician, with Carrey instead opting to play an extension of his established screen persona, albeit one caked in old age makeup.

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Of course, SNL is nowhere near the cultural touchstone that it once was, but it still manages to generate fervent debate on a weekly basis. However, now that Biden has been named as the President-elect depending on which side of the fence you fall on, Saturday Night Live fans have backtracked and are celebrating the fact that Jim Carrey dusted off one of his signature catchphrases for this week’s cold open, and you can check out just some of the reactions below.

carrey biden


This time last week, Carrey would have no doubt been slaughtered online for pulling out an Ace Ventura gag for his stint as Saturday Night Live‘s Joe Biden, but it wouldn’t be unfair to say that the mood in some circles is a lot more buoyant than it was seven days ago. With the Presidential election now over, though, or at least the voting process over, it remains to be seen how heavily the Liar Liar star will factor into the rest of the season given that Biden isn’t scheduled to officially take office until January of next year.