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Insanely convincing theory paints Nicole Kidman’s infamous AMC ad as the sequel to a supernatural classic


Nicole Kidman from 'The Others'
Image via Warner Bros.

There are many occasions when we stumble upon bizarre yet creative fan theories, and a group of Reddit users relating Nicole Kidman’s 2001 classic horror The Others with her AMC ad has done a first-rate job. What happened is that it was posited the possibility of Kidman’s ad being a sequel to the 2001 classic, which upon its release marked its position as one of the genre’s most celebrated recent entries.

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So, why and on what basis is the commercial being compared with the film? The user’s opinion is that the movie’s major twist towards the end connects the two. In The Others, we encounter the jaw-dropping revelation that Kidman’s character Grace Stewart and her children are the ghosts who died in the wake of the Second World War roaming around their empty mansion, which is not exactly empty, but rather filled with tenants she’s unable to see.

There’s also the element of Grace avoiding the sunlight in the movie, explaining the surreal darkness in which the story takes place. The comparison with the ad draws out certain similar elements, which includes Kidman sitting in the theater all alone enveloped by complete darkness.

So, is Kidman – like Grace Stewart – unable to see other people in her surrounding, or is the real cause of her waking around in darkness is her aversion towards sunlight just like The Others? These are the questions raised, and the explanation does make sense.

“During the ad, an array of films come across the screen. The ad was released in 2021, but there are virtually no contemporary movies in it. We see Jurassic World (2015), Wonder Woman (2017), La La Land (2016), and Creed (2015). I propose the films are ones Grace Stewart has watched in the AMC theater as the years have marched on.

In The Others, the entire area where the family lives is covered in fog. Fog can be seen the opening shot of the AMC ad. Perhaps the area was gentrified and the house was torn down, replaced with an AMC theater. Kidman’s character at the end of The Others states her intention of never leaving the house. Perhaps when the house was torn down, she stayed on the land.

The opening shot of the AMC Ad begins with an upside down AMC logo being reflected into a pool of water, suggesting we are indeed in an alternate plane of reality where ghosts like Grace Stewart exists.”

The post followed a trail of comments mostly applauding and concurring with the theory, calling it the best ever. Intriguing appreciations aside, one thing is for sure; Kidman’s outstanding performance couldn’t have been a better inspiration (if not a sequel) for the ad’s eerie atmosphere.