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New Images From The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn

Today sees the release of some new images from the upcoming instalment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. The first of the final two parter of the saga is due for release in November this year, with the second half following a year later. The same cast is retained, Robert Pattison, Kirsten Stewart and Taylor Lautner all still part of the love triangle that has been at the core of the previous movies. Bill Condon is directing this time, probably most known for Dreamgirls and Gods and Monsters.

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Today sees the release of some new images from the upcoming instalment of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. The first of the final two parter of the saga is due for release in November this year, with the second half following a year later. The same cast is retained, Robert Pattison, Kirsten Stewart and Taylor Lautner all still part of the love triangle that has been at the core of the previous movies. Bill Condon, probably most known for Dreamgirls and Gods and Monsters is directing this time.

I’ve never read the books but in the article at Entertainment Weekly, particular attention is focused on the wedding scene between Bella and Edward. The scene was apparently kept till the very end of production purposefully, Kirsten Stewart discusses it:

It was one of the coolest things that I’ve done. There was a certain point when I walked on set, and I saw everyone from the entire cast sitting there in the pews, about to do their bit. And it was just so perfect for me in that moment. It was so emotional in such a real way. I literally felt like thanking them for coming.

As a person who writes about film, it’s now almost a given now for me to completely slate the Twilight Saga. And I’m not going to. Clearly this is a film and a franchise that works considerably well for its audience, and it is a niche audience. They have tapped into a gap in the market which is teenage females, very rarely will you find a big budget massive franchise aimed at them. Most cinema now is aimed at males 16 – 24 and to have something that isn’t simply car chases and robots crushing each other is a relief for me.

I also think it is a franchise that is done with seriousness and sincerity. Bill Condon talks in the article about being faithful to the material whilst working within the constraints of a PG-13 certificate.

We shot everything — whether it’s the lovemaking or the childbirth — as potent and powerful as it can be. It will be interesting to see whether there will be people who think it too disturbing for this universe.

I’m intrigued and I will be seeing the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn when it is released on November 8th.