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New Images From The Great Gatsby

There is no doubt that the trailer for The Great Gatsby was a divisive bit of marketing, I personally thought it looked pretty ropey and others were more convinced that the style director Baz Luhrmann seems to be going for captures the excesses of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel. However, the more I see of the images, the more I'm beginning to be convinced.

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There is no doubt that the trailer for The Great Gatsby was a divisive bit of marketing, I personally thought it looked pretty ropey and others were more convinced that the style director Baz Luhrmann seems to be going for captures the excesses of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel. However, the more I see of the images, the more I’m beginning to be convinced.

The film will no doubt look stunning and these new images released today by WWD go some way to convince me that the production/costume design will be quite marvellous. But then again, it is a Baz Luhrmann film and that was always going to be the case.

The three new images that were released today show the main cast members: Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby, Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan and Tobey Maguire as the story’s narrator, Nick Carraway.

They certainly carry the look of the period and the WWD article pays particular attention to the costuming, which was provided by the Brooks Bros. and Tiffany to create an authentic 1920’s Jazz Age feel. They also note the amount of costumes they had to create for extras as well as the main cast, which goes someway to validate the $125 million price tag.

Despite not yet being convinced by the whole affair, I am looking forward to seeing it, I just hope it turns out for the best. As said, at the very least, it will look fabulous.

The Great Gatsby will be released in 3D on Christmas Day, check out the rest of the images below.