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New Image Of Sandra Bullock In Gravity

No doubt, Gravity has got to be one of the most anticipated films of the year. Alfonso Cuaron's upcoming sci-fi thriller looks very, very interesting and after numerous delays and setbacks, it will finally be hitting theatres this Fall.


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No doubt, Gravity has got to be one of the most anticipated films of the year. Alfonso Cuarón’s upcoming sci-fi thriller looks very, very interesting and after numerous delays and setbacks, it will finally be hitting theatres this Fall.

Lately, the marketing machine has started to kick into gear and after seeing the stunning first trailer, we’re now receiving a new look at Sandra Bullock in the film, playing a medical engineer named Ryan Stone. Joined by George Clooney’s Matt Kowalsky, the two venture into space on a mission that soon goes horribly wrong.

Courtesy of USA Today, the image doesn’t reveal a whole lot but there is a quote from Cuarón to go along with it.

“She’s confronted with the idea that Earth is so far away. She can see the whole Earth and she doesn’t belong to it,” Cuarón told the paper about her character. “What is really scary for people is being lost or alone in the immensity of the void. When you see this Earth from outer space with all of its beauty and colors, you don’t see all of these separations between these countries. Earth is just one organic, beautiful thing. We happen to live in a very stunning and beautiful place.”

We’ll be getting more from the film this month at the San Diego Comic-Con but for now, we’re sold. Gravity looks absolutely fantastic and given the talent involved, I can’t see how it would turn out to be anything less than spectacular.

Gravity opens on October 4th, be sure to check back next week as there is sure to be more in the way of images and footage once Comic-Con hits. For now, tell us, are you excited to see the film?