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‘I don’t know if it’s the same bird, but I got a feeling it may be’: Danny DeVito struggles to grasp the meaning of ‘supernatural’

That's... not what it means.

danny devito haunted mansion
Photo via Disney

It’s a well-known fact of life that everyone loves Danny DeVito, even if he doesn’t seem to understand the concept of the supernatural.

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While not everyone is obligated to have an in-depth understanding of the otherworldly, it would have maybe come in handy given that the Batman Returns and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia legend is a key part of the star-studded ensemble for Disney’s Haunted Mansion reboot.

And yet, when questioned by Empire about whether or not he’d ever experienced some spooky goings-on in real life, DeVito shared a response that’s coincidence at best, even if it’s perfectly on-brand.

Image via Disney

“I think I attract the animal kingdom. Yesterday I was just sitting around, working on something, and I saw this bird. Now I’ve seen that bird several times. I don’t know if it’s the same bird, but I got a feeling it may be. You could say, it’s a coincidence, but if something happens again and again and again, is it a sign? How do you interpret it?”

We’re inclined to believe that seeing the same bird – or what might not even be the same bird – more than once in the exact same location doesn’t really require an explanation that goes beyond “it probably nests around here,” but if Danny DeVito wants to think of it as an omen, then we’re not going to begrudge him that.

After all, he’s earned the right to say and do whatever he wants, and people are going to celebrate him for it whichever way the wind blows.