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The Hunger Games May Have Found Its Johanna Mason In Zoe Aggeliki

The Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire is currently in pre-production and the filmmakers are busy casting some major characters. Previous reports had Mia Wasikowska, Zoe Aggeliki, and Jena Malone all in the running for the key role of Johanna Mason, but it looks like Ms. Aggeliki is edging to the front of the list.

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The Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire is currently in pre-production and the filmmakers are busy casting some major characters.

Previous reports had Mia Wasikowska, Zoe Aggeliki, and Jena Malone all in the running for the key role of Johanna Mason, but it looks like Ms. Aggeliki is edging to the front of the list.

The model/actress-hopeful likely hasn’t been in anything you’ve ever seen before, but apparently she has impressed casting directors. Not surprising since Aggeliki is appearing in the much anticipated Percy Jackson sequel, due out next year.

The character Johanna Mason is crucial to the next film. She is a previous Hunger Games victor from District 7 who becomes an unlikely ally to Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta (Josh Hutcherson).

If you ask me, Aggeliki has the right look for the part – she can most definitely pull off the description in the book.

With so many rumors floating around, it’s hard to tell who will end up with the part – but it would be nice to see some new blood. After all, Twilight took unknown actors and made them superstars, and The Hunger Games is prone to launch careers as well.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is scheduled for release on November 22, 2013.

Who is the front runner for Johanna Mason in your opinion? Let us know in the comment section below.