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Hugh Jackman Wanted For Snow White And The Huntsman

Along with Julian Assange, big on Hollywood's mind at the moment is Snow White. There are several projects being set up around at rival studios, one of these is The Brothers Grimm: Snow White, starring Armie Hammer and Julia Roberts. This one, Snow White and the Huntsman, is set up at Universal

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Along with Julian Assange, big on Hollywood’s mind at the moment is Snow White. There are several projects being set up around at rival studios, one of these is The Brothers Grimm: Snow White, starring Armie Hammer and Julia Roberts. This one, Snow White and the Huntsman, is set up at Universal, and has Kristen Stewart in the lead role. The role of the huntsman however has gone through many people, including Viggo Mortensen, who has just left the project.
Now with possible space in his schedule due to Darren Aronofsky departing and the state of Japan halting The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman is reportedly being pursued for the role, according to Deadline. The film has been through various ‘scripting problems’ which is why Mortensen left. Apparently, more writers are expected to join and do a script polish before it starts filming this September. First though, they have to get a cast set and with the September start date drawing closer, it shouldn’t be too long before we hear more on the casting. We’ll keep you posted.