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How Doctor Strange Could Unite Marvel’s Cinematic Universe

Marvel has a massive job on its hands in lieu of its Phase 3-ender, the two-part Avengers: Infinity Wars. Ever since the intergalactic conflict was first announced, rumors have circled around exactly which members of the comic book company’s legions of superhero forces would partake in the action. According to the Russo Brothers, the number stands at roughly 67 now. More so, how will Kevin Feige and crew manage to bring together all these diverse heroes and teams who are scattered throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Eye Of Agamotto Could Be The Key

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How Doctor Strange Could Unite Marvel's Cinematic Universe

If you have a group of superheroes fighting the forces of evil at various points around their respective television and cinematic universes, you’ll definitely need a hero who can peer through the veil and draw members of the Avengers, Defenders, and even Inhumans (it could happen, thanks to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) into your universe. Marvel studio head Kevin Feige has even made reference to Strange’s Eye of Agamotto being able to “screw around with time,” indicating that the MCU’s mastermind is well aware of Doctor Strange’s potential use to him.

In the comic book, Stephen Strange draws his power from a gaggle of mystical entities such as Agamotto, Cyttorak and Ikonn, and a variety of artifacts. Of particular interest to the film universe are the Cloak of Levitation (the source of his flight), the Book of the Vishanti (his tome of white magic) and the Orb and Eye of Agamotto – his crystal ball and amulet, respectively. Strange himself describes the Eye as “one of the most powerful mystic conduits on this physical plane.”


Always hanging over his chest, Doc uses it to see through disguises and illusions, as well as peer through time and space. At this point, at least in the MCU, the true source of Strange’s powers in his upcoming solo outing hasn’t been clarified. If Feige and Co. choose to have his magical abilities stem from mystical entities, as in the comics, the Eye of Agamotto and its time-traveling capabilities will come in very handy for bridging the cosmos.

However, if the rumors are true about the Eye of Agamotto in the upcoming Doctor Strange standalone, it could hold even more significance to the third Avengers film(s). Some rumors purport the Eye may not be merely a potent amulet, but that it’s actually the Time Stone, one of the Infinity Stones.