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How Doctor Strange Could Unite Marvel’s Cinematic Universe

Marvel has a massive job on its hands in lieu of its Phase 3-ender, the two-part Avengers: Infinity Wars. Ever since the intergalactic conflict was first announced, rumors have circled around exactly which members of the comic book company’s legions of superhero forces would partake in the action. According to the Russo Brothers, the number stands at roughly 67 now. More so, how will Kevin Feige and crew manage to bring together all these diverse heroes and teams who are scattered throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Strange Connections Throughout the MCU

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How Doctor Strange Could Unite Marvel's Cinematic Universe

Doctor Strange isn’t necessarily associated with the classic Avengers, but he has fought alongside many of them in the past. He also signed on with the New Avengers in the 2000s, aiding them with his powerful magic. It’s difficult to say how large a role he’ll play in the current Avengers lineup, though, since it seems to be an amalgam of older and newer teams – thanks to several major characters like Wolverine and the Thing being sidelined by usage rights. All in all, Strange has been quite the networker in and around the superhero world.

Aside from the Avengers, the good doctor is also associated with the Defenders (whose Netflix/MCU incarnation now claims former Avengers Daredevil and Luke Cage), as well as several minor superhero groups, including The Order (2002) and the Midnight Sons (an amalgam of mystical characters which counts two Ghost Riders and Morbius among their numbers). Within the comic book realm, Strange already has a standing association with a number of Marvel’s superheroes and teams, giving him lots of names on his contact list.

Even if Doctor Strange never officially joins the Avengers in the MCU, his association with the numerous teams could allow him to link up to them and even coax them to work together. And despite his association with Doctor Doom (who won’t make an appearance in this corner of the MCU), Doc did sacrifice himself to save the New Avengers during the events of the Secret War. More than a few folks owe Stephen Strange a favor.