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New Hotel Themed Promo For Spike Lee’s Oldboy

Before you gather the family around, count your blessings and devour some home cooking, make plans to go out and see Oldboy. The Spike Lee remake is quickly approaching and as the release date draws ever closer, the folks at FilmDistrict have released a new promo that plays on a hotel theme, or rather: the worst and scariest hotel imaginable.

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November 27th can not come soon enough, and not because I am already looking forward to Thanksgiving. I’m looking forward to something else, actually.

Before you gather the family around, count your blessings and devour some home cooking, make plans to go out and see Oldboy. The Spike Lee remake is quickly approaching and as the release date draws ever closer, the folks at FilmDistrict have released a new promo that plays on a hotel theme, or rather: the worst and scariest hotel imaginable.

With the tagline “Hotel Oldboy: Preparing Your Stay,” this new set of promo material only adds to the hype surrounding the film. Anybody familiar with the TV show Dexter may find some similarities between the opening credits of that show and this teaser trailer.

Whereas the minds behind Showtime’s hit series make a morning routine look so dark, twisted and just plain creepy, this new Oldboy trailer makes me want to re-think my travel plans and research a few more travel websites before I pick my next hotel.

Check out the trailer below:

See what I mean? A montage of dark, creepy images reminiscent of a maid service with a couple of moans from some poor soul throw in for good measure. Even a quote from the voice-over from Samuel L. Jackson riffs on the hotel theme: “Never has a released guest made his presence known to the outside world.”

While full trailers for films can really get the blood flowing, there is something great about teaser trailers in the way that they can shed more light on the direction the film will be taking. If Spike Lee is attempting to outdo the original, he is going to have to go bigger, more bizarre and if possible, bloodier. Adding this trailer to the promo material for Oldboy certainly seems to have everything pointing in the right direction.

Are you still excited for the film? Being held captive against your will for a couple decades sounds pretty horrible, right?