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Horror fans trade blood-soaked blows in a debate over two of the genre’s most successful franchises

It's the debate that never ends.

Take a look behind the mask in this 'Halloween Ends' BTS nightmare fuel
Image via Universal / Blumhouse

With a genre as widespread and explosive as horror, an impending debate over which franchise is the most successful is bound to happen. And while the spooktacular catalog is crawling with a broad range of intriguing series, there’s perhaps no other commodities greater than both the Halloween and Scream franchises. Individually birthed by two of the greatest filmmakers —John Carpenter and Wes Craven — the debate between these two products has long plagued the genre ever since each film obtained its own specific following.

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Of course, it didn’t take long before the debate made its way over to Reddit, where passionate users and fellow horror fanatics traded blood-soaked blows in an attempt to declare which franchise is the clear-cut winner. And while both movies have made an impressionable impact in horror and further drove the genre to worldwide success, there’s no denying that one franchise is just a smidge better than the other.

With a topic as intriguing as this, it comes as no surprise that horror die-hards rushed to the comment section to offer their opinions on which franchise is the supreme choice. Unsurprisingly, these answers were split completely down the middle. On one side, a collection of fans argued that Scream has maintained its quality over the years.

byu/tmdss93 from discussion
byu/tmdss93 from discussion
byu/tmdss93 from discussion

On the other hand, many argued that Halloween has stood the test of time as one of the greatest franchises in horror, having survived for over 50 years of relevancy.

byu/tmdss93 from discussion
byu/tmdss93 from discussion

Through either lackluster sequels or pointless plot points, there’s absolutely no denying that each franchise brings its worth to the table, helping to catapult the horror genre’s worldwide success over the decades. And with the way Hollywood refuses to ever completely part ways with any franchise, we’ll likely continue to see future installments brought to life on the big screen.