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Here’s How The Devil’s Rejects May Return In The Sequel

Looks like Rob Zombie is prepped and ready to close out his trilogy. Following in the blood-stained footsteps of House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, the prolific filmmaker is reportedly close to firing up production on his sequel to the latter.

Looks like Rob Zombie is prepped and ready to close out his trilogy.

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Following in the blood-stained footsteps of House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects, the prolific filmmaker is reportedly close to firing up production on his sequel to the latter. There’s just one problem, though, and that’s that the three main characters aren’t still amongst the living.

More than a decade ago, the original cult classic ended with its eponymous clan dead (or so it seemed), so we imagine Zombie and his creative team will have to dabble in the occult and otherworldly hijinks if the likes of Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig), Otis (Bill Moseley), and Baby (Sheri Moon Zombie) are to be brought back from the grave. What exactly the director’s got planned in regards to that is still unknown, but Bloody-Disgusting has pieced together an interesting report which tells us how they think the titular trio may return.

Firstly, the outlet points to the sequel’s rumored title: Three From Hell. What they suggest is that Otis, Baby and Spaulding are truly the Devil’s rejects, with Satan himself spitting them back out of Hell and onto Earth. Though it’d be a bit of a supernatural turn for what’s been an otherwise grounded series up until this point, it’d still be kinda cool to see, don’t you think?

Aside from that, Bloody-Disgusting also brings up a deleted scene from The Devil’s Rejects, where we saw Doctor Satan (remember him from House of 1000 Corpses?) taken to a hospital after the shootout that took place at the start of Rejects. While we don’t get to see what his fate ultimately is, we do know that he’s brought back patients from near death in the past, so perhaps he’s still around and finds Otis, Baby and Spaulding in that same hospital after the finale of Rejects and helps them get back on their feet?

Of course, this is all just speculation, but it’s certainly interesting to think about and make no mistake, The Devil’s Rejects are neither dead nor forgotten, as it appears Rob Zombie is ready to resurrect his doomed Firefly clan for another horror-tinged adventure – one that’ll also come with a bit of a supernatural twist, no doubt.

We’ll be keeping a close eye on this project as it begins to coalesce, but with the director and his team said to be looking at a March start, it shouldn’t be too much longer until we have some real, tangible info for you to sink your teeth into.