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‘Halloween Ends’ fans go full ‘Game of Thrones’ to launch petition demanding the entire movie is reshot

Petition initiator Dj Jones says in his remarks the work is not what fans wanted.

'Halloween Ends' has 58 million reasons to ignore the critical bashing following box office debut
Image via Universal Pictures

Halloween Ends came out recently, and the movie, which goes in some unexpected directions, is viewed by many as a middling end to the recent trilogy. It has even caused some to reappraise Rob Zombie’s turn with the franchise, and now, some seriously want a total re-do.

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Yes, similar to the petition launched in the aftermath of Game of Thrones’ final season and an earlier one for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, there is now a new online petition assuming a studio will spend millions more to completely re-make a film if enough people complain about it. Petition initiator Dj Jones says in his remarks the work is not what fans wanted and focuses on a different character to the detriment of Michael Myers. Nick G. from Chicago echoes this sentiment in his signing comments on the virtual form.

“It’s absurd that anyone involved in making this thought Corey would make for a memorable character and a fitting star of the finale of this trilogy, especially considering how iconic and loved Michael Myers is. ‘Let’s replace Myers with an emo proxy named Corey.’ WTF?! And the absolute lack of effort in giving the audience a believable scenario in which Allyson would immediately fall in love with him was jarringly distracting in its laziness. 94% Corey, 6% Michael? There are no excuses for the choices made here.”

A David Sutliff (perhaps disturbingly) adds in his remarks the series has been a major part of his youth. In his view, this is the be-all and end-all offense in cinema and apparently even manages to overshadow earlier reviled remakes in his moviegoer mind.

“The Halloween series was my childhood, and I’ve never felt so genuinely offended by a movie. This is the worst piece of media I’ve consumed since Rob Zombies Halloween 2, and Nightmare on Elm Street remake.”

Though several somehow have the belief in the power of whining and the initiator of the document says it never hurts to try, one signer does have a degree of reality in their viewpoint. Richard Suits says in his remarks it is not likely to do anything, but he added his voice for kicks and the structure of the villains of the piece is not how one does a movie in the long-running series.

“Most likely this petition won’t do anything, but the movie was so terrible and went so far against tradition that I figured I would try Michael Myers doesn’t do proteges and he’s in the movie a total of like 5 mins that’s not a Halloween movie.”

Halloween Ends is currently available to stream on Peacock and is now playing in theaters. It has a 39 percent rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of this story’s filing and is the fifth best-received movie in the franchise of 13 movies at this time as well. You can read our review here.