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Global Running Day wouldn’t be complete without a word from Tom Cruise, and he’s happy to oblige

He's been running in movies since 1981, don't you know.

mission impossible fallout
via Paramount

As it states in his Twitter bio, Tom Cruise has been “running in movies since 1981.” It’s self-deprecating, sure, but it’s also 100 percent accurate.

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Is it really even a Tom Cruise movie if he doesn’t do that signature sprint of his, pumping those little arms as fast as he can while covering distance at speed that are both equally ridiculous for a man who turns 61 years old in a matter of weeks? The answer is no, and he’s a good enough sport to throw his weight behind Global Running Day like only he can.

mission impossible dead reckoning part one
via Paramount

Of course, there’s some shameless self-promotion thrown in after the actor used a GIF of himself running from Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One to celebrate the occasion, while offering a reminder that he’s been running on our screens as Ethan Hunt for a quite frankly astonishing 27 years. Is he going to give it up and rest easy for even a second? Don’t bet on it.

There may come a day when Cruise is forced to give up one of his favorite onscreen habits, but you get the sneaking suspicion that moment won’t come to pass for quite some yet. There’s still an eighth Mission: Impossible to go, never mind the fact he could even be powering his way through zero gravity if he ever gets around to shooting that movie in outer space that Vladimir Putin was all too happy to tell the world Russia managed to accomplish before Hollywood.

Never stop running, Tom, never stop running.