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G.I. Joe Might Be Rebooted Again For Transformers Crossover

Snake Eyes may have only opened domestically on Friday, and has barely even started rolling out internationally yet, but talk is already starting to churn in regards to another reboot. Even by the standards of the pandemic era, Paramount would have been hoping for a much higher debut than the $13 million it managed to bring in over the weekend.

optimus prime

Snake Eyes may have only opened domestically on Friday, and has barely even started rolling out internationally yet, but talk is already starting to churn in regards to another reboot. Even by the standards of the pandemic era, Paramount would have been hoping for a much higher debut than the $13 million it managed to bring in over the weekend.

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The early reactions were polarized to say the least, and the general consensus from critics is that Henry Golding is destined for movie stardom and Andrew Koji almost steals the show, but they just needs to pick their projects a little better. We could end up living in a world where G.I. Joe keeps getting rebooted in perpetuity over and over again, especially if Snake Eyes ends up being the third one-and-done effort in a row for the brand.

There’s still a TV series focusing on Lady Jaye in the works, but you’d have to imagine it could end up getting stripped of any potential connective tissue it may have had with Snake Eyes just in case. Should the worst happen and we get stuck with a never-ending churn of G.I. Joe despite audiences making it clear they don’t care, then that Transformers crossover would definitely be one way to generate some real interest.

Talk of Hasbro blowing a load on combining two of its most recognizable properties has been circulating for years, but it’s never felt particularly close to actually happening. That being said, Lorenzo di Bonaventura did say he thought it was inevitable, but then again, he’s produced every single installment in both franchises so he gets paid either way.

We can’t write Snake Eyes or G.I. Joe off until the international totals start rolling in, but if it does mark another failed roll of the dice, Transformers is about the only gamble left.