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Full Look At Tom Hardy As Bane In The Dark Knight Rises

Exciting news here folks. Today we have the first full look at Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. We got a first look a few months back and a quick glimpse from the trailer that was released this month but today we have a much better look that shows off Hardy as Bane in full costume.

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Exciting news here folks. Today we have the first full look at Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. We got a first look a few months back and a quick glimpse from the trailer that was released this month but today we have a much better look that shows off Hardy as Bane in full costume.

The film is currently shooting in Pittsburgh and Just Jared has a couple shots from the set. Admittedly, the costume looks a bit ridiculous but then again, these are just set photos. I’m sure it will look just fine once we see it in the actual film.

That being said, I feel like it’s a costume better suited to the old Batman films, like Batman Forever or Batman and Robin. It doesn’t look like it fits in with Nolan’s Batman universe.

I’m also still not sure how I feel about the mask on his face. There’s obviously a good reason that the character is wearing it but I just don’t like the design of it.

Another thing that sticks out to me is Hardy’s size. He really doesn’t look that big. Sure, he has a coat on, but Bane is supposed to be a monster in terms of size.

We know that Hardy bulked up a bit for the role but it really doesn’t show in these pictures. Maybe once the coat is off things will be different but I expected him to be a lot bigger, just in terms of his frame and all.

What is most interesting though is the shot of Bane ripping up the photo. If you look closely, the photo is of Harvey Dent. Interesting eh? What connection could Dent have with Bane? Let the speculation begin.

In other Dark Knight Rises news, we also have two quick videos of the Tumblers that are being used in the film. Like the Tom Hardy photos, the videos were taken on the Pittsburgh set.

You can check it all out below but don’t expect this to be the last of the set photos/videos. I have a very good feeling that we’ll be seeing a lot more footage leaking out of the Pittsburgh set in the near future.