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Full Predictions For The 2013 Academy Awards

The 85th Academy Awards are being presented this Sunday night, and while we will have full coverage of the show and winners for you then, I thought it would be good to set the stage before the big event with my personal predictions for the awards.

Best Original Screenplay

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Amour, Michael Haneke

Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino

Flight, John Gatins

Moonrise Kingdom, Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola

Zero Dark Thirty, Mark Boal

A very tough category to call, especially since there is so little overlap between this category and its WGA equivalent. Zero Dark Thirty would have been the favorite once upon a time, but the film was not a powerhouse player within the Academy. I would also, under different circumstances, predict Moonrise Kingdom, given the sheer quality of the screenplay and the industry’s respect for Wes Anderson, but that film too lacks the necessary momentum. I think it comes down to Django Unchained or Amour, and for me, it is mostly a coin-toss between the two. Considering Amour is a lock to win Best Foreign Language film, it has the momentum needed to win. But Django Unchained has won a ton of screenplay awards this season, and is clearly a major achievement in writing that should appeal to the Academy, so I believe it ultimately has the edge.

Will and Should Win: Django Unchained

Best Adapted Screenplay

Argo, Chris Terrio

Beasts of the Southern Wild, Lucy Alibar and Benh Zeitlin

Life of Pi, David Magee

Lincoln, Tony Kushner

Silver Linings Playbook, David O. Russell

Given that Argo is a lock to win Best Picture, there would be little precedent for it losing this award. Then again, the film’s failure to garner a Best Director nomination does throw all the film’s other nominations in at least a small bit of doubt. If the Academy winds up giving Lincoln the lion’s share of the awards (minus Best Picture), it is very possible Tony Kushner wins here. And if the Academy wants to consummate their love for Beasts of the Southern Wild beyond nominations, this would be its most likely win. My personal favorite script of the category, Silver Linings Playbook, is probably on the outs no matter what. In any case, Argo is the likely winner, although I will not necessarily be surprised if it loses.  

Will Win: Argo, Chris Terrio

Should Win: Silver Linings Playbook, David O. Russell

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