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Full Predictions For The 2013 Academy Awards

The 85th Academy Awards are being presented this Sunday night, and while we will have full coverage of the show and winners for you then, I thought it would be good to set the stage before the big event with my personal predictions for the awards.

Best Picture

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Beasts of the Southern Wild

Django Unchained

Les Miserables

Life of Pi


Silver Linings Playbook

Zero Dark Thirty

There may have been some doubt before the nominees were announced, when Zero Dark Thirty appeared to have the momentum, or after the nominations left Ben Affleck himself out in the cold, but after sweeping the SAG, DGA, Golden Globe, BAFTAS, and every other significant film award on the planet, there is absolutely no way Argo loses this one. Yes, there is little historical precedent for a film winning Best Picture without a Best Director nomination. Doesn’t matter. At this point, it is simple math; the Academy is comprised of voters from other guilds, all of whom have chosen Argo as the year’s best picture, and if it loses the big award come Sunday night, we will officially have entered an alternate dimension. I personally would love to see something else win – I like Argo, but feel it is fairly vastly overrated – but that’s not going to happen. Argo has this one tied down.

Will Win: Argo

Should Win: Django Unchained

Sound off in the comments with your own predictions, and be sure to join us Sunday night for our full Oscar coverage!