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Fox May Take A $60 Million Hit On Fantastic Four

With an opening weekend haul of just $26 million (domestically), it looks like Fox will be taking quite a hit on Fantastic Four.

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With an opening weekend haul of just $26 million (domestically), it looks like Fox will be taking quite a hit on Fantastic Four. We already know that director Josh Trank cost the studio about $10 million, but it looks like all the negative press surrounding the film combined with some pretty horrible reviews have really sunk the ship here.

With a paltry 9% on Rotten Tomatoes and a C- CinemaScore, things certainly aren’t looking very good for Fantastic Four heading forward. This weekend, we have The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and Straight Outta Compton opening up, both of which are expected to do well. And while Fox still says that they’re hoping to put a sequel into production, I can’t see how they could possibly justify it at this stage.

Time will tell, though. Perhaps the studio will find a way out of this mess and finally deliver a worthy adaptation of the beloved characters. Until they do though, we can only dream of what Fantastic Four could have been had Fox let Josh Trank do it his way.