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The Avengers 4 Trailer Will Not Be Arriving Today

Jeremy Conrad of MCU Cosmic took to Twitter to clarify that the Avengers 4 teaser trailer won't be releasing on November 28th, nor will it be online today.

November 29th, 2017 is a day long remembered by MCU advocates, as it was on this day that Marvel Studios premiered the incredible first teaser for Avengers: Infinity War, shattering all sorts of trailer records in the process.

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It was enough to spark comic book pandemonium online, as budding fans began to analyze each and every frame in the hope of finding potential story clues relating to Joe and Anthony Russo’s Marvel mash-up. Fast forward by exactly a year, and impatient moviegoers are beginning to wonder whether the Powers That Be will honor the one-year anniversary by revealing the very first teaser for Avengers 4. Alas, that’s simply not the case.

Or so says Jeremy Conrad of MCU Cosmic, who was in attendance at Collider’s special screening of Infinity War yesterday evening and took to Twitter to clarify that the Avengers 4 teaser trailer won’t be releasing on November 28th, nor will it be online today; rather, it’s looking increasingly likely that Marvel Studios will hold fire until Friday before showcasing its wares.

Don’t take this as gospel, as there’s every chance Marvel is playing things close to the vest, and is therefore capable of blindsiding the entire industry with a November 29th reveal. Still, Conrad has always been a reliable source when it comes to the MCU, so we’re inclined to believe him when he says that the Avengers 4 trailer is unlikely to arrive before Friday, November 30th.

Via Twitter:

The real cut-off point appears to be December 5th, the day on which Marvel Studios plans to roll out the official Avengers 4 prelude comic. For the record, that’s next Wednesday, so even if the trailer doesn’t drop before the week’s end, there’s always Monday (or Tuesday!) before Marvel really has to devote its time and attention to the official prelude comic.

One thing’s for sure: the Internet is currently on a knife’s edge, and we’ll be bringing you all the latest Avengers 4 content as time wears on.