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Fede Alvarez May Direct The Doctor Strange Movie

Uruguayan filmmaker Fede Alvarez burst onto the scene last week with his remake of the horror classic Evil Dead. Earning mostly positive reviews from critics and taking the number one spot at the box office, the rookie filmmaker more than proved his talents and now, thanks to his success, he may find himself helming Marvel's Doctor Strange flick.

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Uruguayan filmmaker Fede Alvarez burst onto the scene last week with his remake of the horror classic Evil Dead. Earning mostly positive reviews from critics and taking the number one spot at the box office, the rookie filmmaker more than proved his talents and now, thanks to his success, he may find himself directing Marvel’s Doctor Strange flick.

Latino Review has the scoop on this one, as they do with most Marvel news, and they are reporting that the director has met with the powers that be at Marvel and they are discussing the possibility of him writing and directing the film. Now, this isn’t official and is very much just a rumour but we don’t doubt that, at the very least, Alvarez is in contention for the job, if not Marvel’s first choice.

With Evil Dead, Fede Alvarez showed that he could handle the supernatural elements that a film like Doctor Strange would surely need. And while he may not need to go as big in the gore/scares department for Marvel’s film as he did for Evil Dead, it’s still good to know that he can handle horror elements with ease, since this film would likely have a bit of that.

Doctor Strange will not doubt be a tricky movie and it’s going to take a pretty adept filmmaker to do justice to the property. Is Fede Alvarez the man for the job? Only time will tell, but he has our vote.

As for timing and all, the film would be part of Marvel’s Phase 3 and would probably touch down in theatres in the summer of 2016. So, it’s still a ways out but if Marvel is already looking for a director, perhaps it will be in theatres sooner than we think.

What do you make of all of this? Do you want to see Fede Alvarez direct Doctor Strange?