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From Hook To Aladdin: Remembering Our Favorite Robin Williams Movies

The tragic passing of Robin Williams is still reverberating around the world, with the initial shock dissolving to a placid acceptance. It has forced the film community to take stock of a career that no one was ready to say goodbye to. Many people grew up on Williams’ films, with his many celebrated roles providing comfort, humor, sincerity, and humanity. He left a mark on every film he participated in, and elevated both the character and the movie with his charisma and personality.

Good Will Hunting

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When I first saw Good Will Hunting, I was stunned by many things. The phenomenal story, the performance of a young Matt Damon and the spotless writing all struck me right off the bat. But as the years have gone on and I’ve given the film dozens more viewings, there’s nothing that stands out as much as the performance of Robin Williams, the actor who serves as the glue for all the other excellent elements.

Williams plays Dr. Sean Maguire, a therapist who takes on Will Hunting. He bonds with Will in part because of their similar background, but most of all because he’s the only one who is willing to be honest with Will and willing to listen to him. At the time of my first viewing of Good Will Hunting, I was mostly familiar with Williams’ comedy and comedic roles, so it caught me off guard how excellent and how believable he was as this caring mentor.

The peak of the performance is the speech he gives to Will by the lake (seen in the video below). It shows that even though he may be older and supposedly wiser, sometimes perspective can only be gained when stepping back from a situation. As he explains this to Will, he’s equally forceful and tender in a way that I previously wouldn’t have thought possible.

There really isn’t a moment of the movie where Williams isn’t on point. The actor shows, as he has in many roles, that being manly doesn’t mean that you can’t appreciate poetry and beauty and it doesn’t mean that you can’t be devastated by a loss. I never doubt for a second that Maguire would risk missing Pudge Fisk’s homerun to see about a girl. There’s never a moment when traces of the pain at his wife’s death can’t be seen. But most of all, there’s nothing about Williams’ performance that I think any actor could have done better.

Along with the wonderful Oscar acceptance speech by Damon and Ben Affleck for best screenplay, Williams’ acceptance speech for Best Supporting Acotr has always held a special place in my heart. He beat out Robert Forster, Anthony Hopkins, Greg Kinnear and Burt Reynolds. Watching the man who was never at a loss for words seem so genuinely touched at being honored in such a way is truly special. If you’ve never watched that speech, I couldn’t recommend it more.

Maguire is the father figure we all deserve, the friend we all desire, and the mentor we all need. Such a memorable character wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for Williams’ wonderful and touching performance.

-Alex Lowe