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Justin Benson And Aaron Moorhead Reveal The Movie Creatures That Influenced Spring

Spring filmmakers Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead detail their favorite creature effects, and how they influenced their work on Spring.

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

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“This is just one of the most visually arresting moments in a movie, ever.”

Here’s a glowing example of practical effects working hand-in-hand with digital effects to create perfection. This was always our philosophy on effects before Spring, but we’ve now brought the method to a new personal level for ourselves.

Editor’s Note: After watching Resolution, I can confirm they have.

Special Mentions: The Descent & The Ring (referring to the US version even though the original is amazing, as well)


Perhaps no one in mainstream cinema in the last 15 years has scared audiences with glimpses of their creatures more than Neil Marshall and Gore Verbinski did in The Descent and The Ring (respectively). Though they do lose a bit of steam in their third act full reveal (ie. Samara climbing out of a TV, the Crawlers aren’t quite as creepy when fully lit), they remain the gold standard for creeping people the fuck out with teasing their monster.

Early glimpses of our Louise strive for the same level of date-grabbing-tightness, more by being creeped out than through sparks of affection, but hopefully resulting in the same amount of post-movie sexy time.

Editor’s Note: You heard it here people, if you watch Spring, you will have sex. Case. Closed.

Be sure to catch Spring when it opens March 20th on VOD and in theaters!