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Fans sound off on the overlooked IPs that could be potential Hollywood goldmines

Maybe one day, seeing as nothing is truly safe from a reboot.

the shadow a nightmare on elm street the phantom
via Universal/New Line Cinema/Paramount

It’s become a running joke at this point to say that there are hardly any movies, TV shows, or properties in general that are safe from being recycled, reinvented, remade, or rebooted by the Hollywood machine, but fans have started sounding off on the overlooked or unloved IP that could turn out to be a potential goldmine.

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While your personal mileage may vary on whether or not the titles in question are truly deserving of a new coat of paint, or whether there’d even be any interest in seeing it happen, most folks would agree that it’s more than a little surprising to discover that nobody’s taken the plunge and dusted off A Nightmare on Elm Street for a dozen years, especially when the estate of Wes Craven were actively inviting pitches once they regained the rights.

Beyond that, though, there’s an interesting discussion happening over on Reddit, with innumerable cult classics, failed blockbusters, video games, comic books, and literary candidates being floated.

Alec Baldwin’s The Shadow and Billy Zane’s The Phantom are getting plenty of love, even if neither of the originals managed to find much favor at the box office or with critics during their initial runs. The superhero business is still booming, though, so it could only be a matter of time before they circle back around into the limelight.

Tom Hardy’s abandoned Splinter Cell is another one that many commenters lament, but the Netflix animated series is allegedly still coming, so at least that particular itch may be scratched eventually. As for the rest? Well, we know better than to rule anything in or out.