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Fans reel off the movies they love that don’t hold up on a rewatch

This is one time where we can all just agree to disagree.

via EMI Films

We all know the feeling of watching a movie for the first time and getting a huge kick out of it, only to discover upon repeat viewings that we may have been mistaken the first time around. That’s not to say the projects in question are inarguably awful, but there’s always a tinge of personal disappointment that comes with discovering you may have been wrong all along.

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On the other side of the coin, there are obviously a huge number of cinephiles out there who derive even more enjoyment and entertainment out of a film on a second, third, or even fourth viewing, but that’s not what we’re interested in. Over on Reddit, an air of disappointment has been permeating the discourse as fans discuss, debate, and dissect which titles didn’t hook them when they went back for a revisit, and you can’t deny that some excellent points are being made.


The Mummy Returns definitely isn’t a patch on the original, with Stephen Sommers’ rollicking adventure ranking as one of the most beloved blockbusters of a generation for a reason, while even the staunchest of Highlander supporters would surely agree that it’s the cheese and kitsch value that’s kept the swords-and-sorcery favorite’s popularity alive for so long.

Space Jam and The Boondock Saints are other contenders that are nowhere near as stellar as audiences remember them to be, but there are also some blatantly blasphemous takes being bandied around in the comments, too, especially when The Crow, Spaceballs, Return of the Jedi, and the Dark Knight Trilogy are brought to the table.