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Fans debate if ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ has seen Taika Waititi jump the shark

It wasn't much of a debate.

Taika Waititi as Korg
Image via Marvel Studios

It’s been a roller coaster of ups and downs for Thor: Love and Thunder, but in a franchise that’s used to so many ups, the god of thunder’s latest adventure caused a few eyebrows to be raised.

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For a film helmed and written by tried-and-true artistic maverick Taika Waititi, the lukewarm result as labeled by critics is a sizeable disappointment, and some folks have begun to wonder if the Jojo Rabbit mastermind has begun his decline with Love and Thunder.

A user on r/movies suggested that Waititi’s work now boasts this false sense of self-sufficiency, noting how Love and Thunder‘s humor, perceived as lackluster by some, was included because of Waititi’s style being treated as immortalized.

But responders had no time for such a claim, with one other user pointing out that just because Waititi produced something of a misfire, it’s outrageous to assume that it sets a precedent for his next few projects.

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Another user also disagreed with the sentiment, pinning Waititi’s failings with the latest Thor movie on the director working on too many things at once, which minced his creative attention ineffectively.

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Another responder took this idea and cracked it wide open, noting how much impact the industry and the public can have when it comes to both production and reception of films and public figures.

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It is, of course, a bit overzealous to say that Waititi is washed up after Love and Thunder, especially when you consider his recent works surrounding his latest Marvel outing. It’s hard to say whether we’ll see him back at Marvel Studios or not, but either way, we think Taika Waititi is going to be perfectly fine.

Thor: Love and Thunder is currently playing in theaters.