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Just How Expensive Is X-Men: Days Of Future Past?

It was never going to be cheap to produce X-Men: Days of Future Past. Combining the cast of Bryan Singer's original X-Men films with that of 2011's reboot, X-Men: First Class, along with the prospect of shooting in 3D, was going to make for an expensive production no matter how you sliced it.


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It was never going to be cheap to produce X-Men: Days of Future Past. Combining the cast of Bryan Singer’s original X-Men films with that of 2011’s reboot, X-Men: First Class, along with the prospect of shooting in 3D, was going to make for an expensive production no matter how you sliced it.

With the film set to arrive in May 2014, reports are beginning to surface that with a release date that’s only six months away, costs for the production are beginning to pile up to the point where it may be the second most expensive film ever made by 20th Century Fox, next to 2009’s Avatar.

A few weeks of reshoots are about to get underway in Montreal this month, and that, combined with the post-production costs have sent the budget skyward. Avatar‘s official budget was $237 million, though some estimate it was actually close to $300 million. For Days of Future Past to be the second most expensive film for Fox, the budget must be seriously high.

X-Men: First Class had a budget of $160 million and this film has likely already blown past the $200 million mark. For a project as ambitious as Days of Future Past though, it’s easy to see why the budget is skyrocketing like it is.

So, just how high will the budget get on Days of Future Past? Well, it’s not likely that Fox will ever release the true figure, but you can probably add around $50 million to whatever they end up reporting.

Tell us, do you think X-Men: Days of Future Past will make enough money to cover its mega-budget? And are the re-shoots an indication of more trouble or a sign that they may be trying to fix some of the film’s problems before it’s too late? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.