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The Expendables 2 Theatrical Trailer Arrives

After a brief "trailer for the trailer" was released yesterday, we now have the real deal. The first theatrical trailer for The Expendables 2 has arrived. Truthfully, it's not like they even need to release a trailer for the film as the sequel will more or less be identical to the first film, at least if this trailer is any indication of the final product.

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After a brief “trailer for the trailer” was released yesterday, we now have the real deal. The first theatrical trailer for The Expendables 2 has arrived.

Truthfully, it’s not like they even need to release a trailer for the film as the sequel will more or less be identical to the first film, at least if this trailer is any indication of the final product.

If you’ve seen the first film you should know what to expect with the sequel. Meaning, if you enjoyed it the first time around, you’ll be pleased with what director Simon West has come up with for The Expendables 2.

You know the drill, more over the top action, more tongue in cheek humor, mores testosterone etc. In terms of changes, there aren’t many but the action does look like it’s staged a lot better than in the first film and the new cast members look great. How can you not love Jean-Claude Van Damme? Oh, and the 1:31 mark in the trailer will undoubtedly be the film’s best moment.

There’s not much in the way of story here but like Stallone says in the trailer introduction, “if you thought the first movie kicked some serious ass, you haven’t seen anything yet.” After watching the trailer, I couldn’t agree more.

Check it out below and let us know what you think.

The Expendables 2 hits theatres on August 17th, 2012.