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Exclusive Video Interview: Mark Wahlberg And Peter Berg Talk Patriots Day

After bringing us Deepwater Horizon earlier this year, director Peter Berg has teamed up once again with Mark Wahlberg for Patriots Day, which tells the riveting story of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.

After bringing us Deepwater Horizon earlier this year, director Peter Berg has teamed up once again with Mark Wahlberg for Patriots Day, which tells the riveting story of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and its aftermath.

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Wahlberg stars in the film as Sgt. Tommy Saunders, just one of the many Boston police and first responders on the scene. Patriots Day follows the events of the horrific tragedy and how Saunders, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis (John Goodman), Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (Michael Beach) and Special FBI investigator Richard DesLauriers (Kevin Bacon) piece together the evidence and put together a city-wide manhunt to find the terrorists behind it: brothers Tamerlin (Themo Melikidze) and Dzhokhar (Alex Wolff) Tsarnaev.

During the recent press day for the film, we sat down with Berg and Wahlberg to talk about their riveting new project, discussing why the timing was right to make Patriots Day, which stories inspired them most when they were doing their research and much more.

The dust has barely settled from the duo’s true-life thriller Deepwater Horizon, but the prolific pair are on an exciting streak and Patriots Day will see them jostling for a place in this season’s awards race when the Boston bombing drama opens in limited theatres across New York, Los Angeles and Boston on December 21. Look for the drama to expand nationwide on January 13, 2017.