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Exclusive Interview: Boyd Holbrook Talks Logan, Predator And Narcos

Judging by his recent list of collaborators, which includes the likes of David Fincher, Terrence Malick and Shane Black, it’s fair to say that Logan actor Boyd Holbrook is a highly sought after star in Hollywood. Fresh off of two seasons on Netflix's acclaimed series Narcos, the actor has now teamed up with James Mangold to bring us the grittiest and most violent X-Men film to date.

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Was the modified hand at any point an actual prop or was it all CGI?

Boyd Holbrook: In longer shots, we would put on a glove because I imagine that’s tens of thousands of dollars of CGI every time that’s in the frame. James would also say, “keep your hand out of frame because that’s going to cost me thirty grand.” It’s true.

That’s so crazy that you have to think about that.

Boyd Holbrook: Yeah, but it’s like don’t cross your legs or something like that. So you’re just like, “oh okay, so I’ll just do the same thing but without my legs crossed.” It goes back to I designed this girl. I built her. With that you see the correlation. I’m functional. This is an exterior thing that I’ve put on myself. Any other soldier that has been dis-limbed, I fix them. Then you see interiorly what I’ve done to them. Interiorly…is that a word?

I think so. We can go with it.

Boyd Holbrook: I’m going to watch the movie tonight.

For the first time?

Boyd Holbrook: Yup.

Oh, shit. Enjoy.

Boyd Holbrook: Yeah. God, I hope this movie makes a lot of money!

I think it will.

Boyd Holbrook: It’s built in.

Wolverine is a much more known character than Deadpool was and then Deadpool does this without any expectations. So now people are going into Logan expecting an adult film but with this character that I fucking love.

Boyd Holbrook: Right and also, fuck man, the dude is shoving spikes through people’s heads, getting stuck and pulling them out! If you have this dimension on you, that’s really what happens. I think people are going to have their thirst quenched on this.

As a comic book fan myself, the feral nature of that character is very crucial to his portrayal in the source material and we haven’t really seen that in full force on screen. To get that now is a little bittersweet, considering.

Boyd Holbrook: Last one. But go out on a bang, right? Don’t frizzle out. Pop out. Fireworks. Also, I think Dafne is a fucking force.

She’s SO GOOD.

Boyd Holbrook: An eleven year old child. Child! I could not have done what she has done or even thought about it. I was too busy breaking stuff.

Let’s move to future stuff. Are you doing season 3 of Narcos? Is that happening?

Boyd Holbrook: [Heavy sigh] No, they’re down there filming that now. I’m currently working on Predator.

Yeah, Shane Black’s film. How’s that going?

Boyd Holbrook: It’s pretty cool, man.

It’s a sequel right?

Boyd Holbrook: No. I mean, Shane Black is one of the most prolific writers going. You look at James Mangold, Scott Frank who also wrote this and I’ve worked in A Walk Among the Tombstones with, great director as well. Then you have Shane Black.

He’s made something totally new, somehow keeping within the realm of Predator [while also being] absolutely new in terms of the story that we’re talking about today, and rooted in something real. It’s real fresh.

Are there any characters from the original in there?

Boyd Holbrook: I don’t think you’re going to see Schwarzenegger in this. I don’t want to speak out of school but it would kind of make it a bit of a gimmick. Hats off to Schwarzenegger for paving the way. We all appreciate it but for it to have its own life it’s got to be singular. It’s going to be rated-R.

Is it going to be as violent as this one or more on the horror side?

Boyd Holbrook: Well, I think it’s a hybrid. It’s a horror film. It’s science-fiction and a western, as well. I think people are so fucking tired of these Avenger films.

Well, they are churning them out.

Boyd Holdbrook: It’s a factory. I’m so happy that all the people are employed and making a lot of money but it’s just the demographic that we’re splitting hairs about at the end of the day. I think Predator is going to be fucking wicked.

That concludes our interview, but we’d like to thank Boyd Holbrook for his time. Be sure to catch Logan in theaters nationwide on March 3rd!