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Why You Should Be Excited For Matt Reeves’ The Batman

Now that War for the Planet of the Apes is upon us, its co-writer and director, Matt Reeves, will be moving onto another teeny-weeny project that you may have heard of: The Batman. Undoubtedly, this will be the biggest task of his career to date, because all eyes are on it and nothing less than sensational will cut it for fans of Gotham's Dark Knight. After all, he's following Christopher Nolan's award-winning trilogy, so no pressure thereā€¦

Ben Affleck Is Still Attached In A Big Way

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Despite all the murmurs and rumors, Reeves has confirmed that Ben Affleck will still be our Batman – and we should all be excited about this. Affleck’s role in the film won’t only be restricted to portraying the Caped Crusader, as he’s still signed on as a producer and co-writer as well. So, in other words, he’s heavily involved and invested in this project.

Apart from the vocal minority, the general consensus is that Batfleck is the perfect live-action Batman and one of the best superhero castings in recent years. While Affleck is a talented (and Oscar-winning) filmmaker in his own right, working with a sublime director like Reeves could produce a newfound synergy and energy that leads to good things on screen. By collaborating with someone of equal talent (or even more), boundaries can be pushed and the final product will be stronger as a result.

Also, Affleck no longer has to worry about directing The Batman, so that pressure’s off his shoulders. Now, he can channel all his energy into portraying the best damn Caped Crusader ever, and leave the rest up to Reeves. Somehow, we think all the initial production troubles might prove to be blessings in disguise. We hope that we’re right here.

Tell us, are you excited for The Batman? Let us know your musings and thoughts in the comments section.