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Why You Should Be Excited For Matt Reeves’ The Batman

Now that War for the Planet of the Apes is upon us, its co-writer and director, Matt Reeves, will be moving onto another teeny-weeny project that you may have heard of: The Batman. Undoubtedly, this will be the biggest task of his career to date, because all eyes are on it and nothing less than sensational will cut it for fans of Gotham's Dark Knight. After all, he's following Christopher Nolan's award-winning trilogy, so no pressure thereā€¦

It Might Lead To A New Trilogy

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Reeves has hinted that his involvement in Batman might result in an arc and a host of films. This obviously leads to the conclusion that he’s in it for the long run and more than one movie. Naturally, this makes a huge difference to the output, since he’ll be able to pace the story in an effective manner, without blowing his proverbial load in one project.

What a franchise needs more than anything else is a vision. Once a vision has been established, it’s crucial to have stability and the drivers to making the vision become a reality. By Reeves stating his ideas from the get-go, he’s laying down a marker for how he sees the Caped Crusader’s involvement in the DCEU and how to get there.

Undoubtedly, Warner Bros. must be excited about the prospect of three Bat films, and having a director like Reeves tied down for a sustained period will only solidify the credibility even more. This is a billion-dollar franchise, and the better the overall quality is, the more likely it’ll make the big money (which all film studios love). Who knows, maybe the plan is for Reeves to pave the way for a Batman Beyond storyline in the DCEU? Now that would be an incredible event.