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Why You Should Be Excited For Matt Reeves’ The Batman

Now that War for the Planet of the Apes is upon us, its co-writer and director, Matt Reeves, will be moving onto another teeny-weeny project that you may have heard of: The Batman. Undoubtedly, this will be the biggest task of his career to date, because all eyes are on it and nothing less than sensational will cut it for fans of Gotham's Dark Knight. After all, he's following Christopher Nolan's award-winning trilogy, so no pressure thereā€¦

It’s Set To Be A Noir-Driven, Detective Story

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There’s a reason Batman is called the World’s Greatest Detective; however, we haven’t really seen much of his private eye capabilities on the big screen yet. According to Reeves, though, he plans on changing this by exploring a “noir-driven, detective version of Batman.” How can you not be thrilled to hear this?

Reeves’ comments all but confirm that his Caped Crusader film will be a dark tale, as it should be. Yes, we know that DC is all about hope, optimism, and fluffy pink bunnies at the moment, but the Bat is one badass fella who lives and breathes in the darkness. You can’t change him just because comedy is in fashion right now. A good filmmaker will always possess the ability to tell dark stories that contain hope and optimism, and Reeves is undoubtedly the best candidate to achieve this.

Whether it’s all just lip service or there’s real intention to what Reeves is saying, we should find out in about two years’ time once The Batman is released. That said, he’s saying all the right things whenever he speaks about this film and that makes us as giddy as a group of lonely housewives finding a topless picture of Channing Tatum.