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Why You Should Be Excited For Matt Reeves’ The Batman

Now that War for the Planet of the Apes is upon us, its co-writer and director, Matt Reeves, will be moving onto another teeny-weeny project that you may have heard of: The Batman. Undoubtedly, this will be the biggest task of his career to date, because all eyes are on it and nothing less than sensational will cut it for fans of Gotham's Dark Knight. After all, he's following Christopher Nolan's award-winning trilogy, so no pressure thereā€¦

A True Visionary Filmmaker Is Helming The Project

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While it’s easy to cite the groundbreaking motion-capture work on Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes, we’d like to focus on Cloverfield for a second here. As found-footage films became popular in the horror genre, no one had quite tackled a monster project in the same manner before until Reeves took the bull by the horns.

The cinematography for the creature feature was stunning, even if it did cause motion sickness to more than a few people, but it broke new ground in found-footage filmmaking and got everyone talking about it. Attempting such a risky project was no small feat and could’ve easily become a mess, but it proved to be worthwhile and resulted in Cloverfield becoming a cult classic.

What this shows us is that Reeves isn’t afraid of taking huge risks and doing things differently. While it’s unlikely he’ll be make a found-footage Batman film or go too avant-garde, we’re sure that he’ll do something innovative and fresh with this project. After all, Warner Bros. has given him their blessing to do what he’s pitched to them, so it looks like we’re getting a creative-driven film here. And isn’t that what we, as fans, want more than anything else?