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Even more legal woes for Netflix after an axed expansion for Zack Snyder’s ‘Rebel Moon’ leads to a breach of contract lawsuit

Litigation appears to come in twos for the streaming service.

rebel moon
Image via Netflix

Litigation seems to come in twos for Netflix, with a defamation suit regarding acclaimed miniseries When They See Us swiftly being followed by a breach of contract filing pertaining to an expansion tied to Zack Snyder’s incoming sci-fi epic Rebel Moon.

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Per Variety, Evil Genius Games claims that it started collaborating on the streaming service earlier this year to create a tabletop RPG based on the former Star Wars spin-off, with the release set to coincide with first part A Child of Fire‘s premiere this coming December.

rebel moon
Image via Netflix

The outfit paid for a license to develop the project with an agreement to split the profits, only for Netflix to terminate the contract after alleging Evil Genius violated a confidentiality agreement. Snyder publicly acknowledged the tabletop game in march of this year, but there’s no need to launch a passionate online defense of the filmmaker after he wasn’t named in any of the legal proceedings lodged to the court.

Evil Genius payed Netflix an upfront fee of $7500 followed by an identical payment due next February and another $10,000 payable in Feb. 2025, and had reportedly halted other creative avenues to work on the Rebel Moon tie-in, for which it created “a 228-page World Bible (which vastly expanded on the universe envisioned by Snyder), a 430-page Player’s Guide and a 337-page Game Master’s Guide.”

In what should be a surprise to nobody, Netflix has declined to comment on the legal action, but it’s safe to infer that the Rebel Moon tabletop expansion ain’t happening.