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Dwayne Johnson Laughs Off Shazam!’s Threat To Black Adam

Dwayne Johnson has laughed off the notion that Shazam! would pose any sort of viable threat to his Black Adam.

Image via Warner Bros.

Everyone’s expecting either a third Shazam! movie or a Black Adam sequel to pit the two comic book arch-enemies against each other in a titanic battle for the ages, something Zachary Levi has admitted on innumerable occasions that he’d love to see happen.

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In fact, the actor was positively giddy at the prospect of suiting up and punching Dwayne Johnson in the face, and the comic book connections between the two all-powerful beings are ready-made to act as the centerpiece of a blockbuster showdown that leaves a trail of destruction and broken bodies in its wake.

Of course, Shazam! is the good guy and won’t let innocent people get hurt, while Black Adam would happily kill Superman if he had to. Throwing down the gauntlet, Johnson responded to a fan questioning what Billy Batson’s alter-ego would even be able to do if he wanted to even think about stopping the Man in Black.

You’ve got to love the way Johnson keeps hyping up Black Adam at every opportunity, with the actor and producer making it perfectly clear that he’s massively invested in the project. He’s said the hierarchy of power is about to change roughly a hundred times by now, but you’d be an idiot not to believe him.