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Doctor Strange Will Be An “Acid Trip”

While some fans have been excited about the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 news coming from Comic-Con, I've been just staring at my computer with bated breath, waiting for some speck of news about a Doctor Strange movie. While we don't have any solid casting news yet, we do have Kevin Feige dishing on the tone of the film, and it sounds just about perfect.


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While some fans have been excited about the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 news coming from Comic-Con, I’ve been just staring at my computer with bated breath, waiting for some speck of news about a Doctor Strange movie. While we don’t have any solid casting news just yet, we do have Kevin Feige dishing on the tone of the film, and it sounds just about perfect.

Feige spoke with the folks over at /Film, and among other things, he described the movie as an acid trip and similar to the Neil deGrasse Tyson Cosmos series.

Doctor Strange is a classic Marvel origin story, because he’s got one of the best origins ever. And it is our opportunity to take a left turn into the supernatural.

Now, what is the definition of “supernatural”? It varies. We like the idea of playing with alternate dimensions. [Doctor] Strange, in a very [Steve] Ditko, crazy astro-trip way, traveling through dimensions and traveling through other realms is something we think is very cool. And playing with perceptions of reality.

I just watched the Neil deGrasse Tyson Cosmos series, which is amazing, and which may as well be an acid trip. It may as well be Doc Strange! It is a mind-bending [series], all based in physics and based in quantum mechanics, and we’re going to play a lot with the notion of that as an explanation for how the sorcerers do what they do.

I’m definitely a fan of that plan for the film. We need to see multiple sorcerers here, though the obvious ones are the Ancient One (who Strange learned most of his powers from) and Baron Mordo (a frequent Strange antagonist). I also like the discussion of going to other dimensions. The most formidable of Strange’s foes is Dormammu, a ruler of an alternate dimension. While I think Dormammu is too big for the first film and featuring him would risk conjuring up Green Lantern-syndrome, I do want to see him at some point in Strange’s big screen saga.

Tell us, are you looking forward to the multi-dimensional acid trip that Feige is hoping for with Doctor Strange? We sure are.