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8 Ways In Which Doctor Strange Connects To The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Now that it's 14 films in - with five TV shows currently out there as well - each entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is seeped in references and nods to other corners of this massive shared cosmos. Even Doctor Strange, which is mostly content to build up its own mythology, has some significant and quickfire connections to the wider MCU.

5) Black Mamba

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Another of these respective patients that is mentioned to Strange is a young woman with a brain implant who has been struck by lightning.

If you thought this sounds like such a comic book-y scenario that it has to be a reference to some Marvel character, then you may well be right. A few individuals in the Marvel comics universe have enhancing brain implants, but given that this one is also a young woman, the best bet for who this is referring to is Black Mamba.

We’re not sure Black Mamba is big enough to make the jump from the page to the big screen, so we imagine this is just a fun nod for hardcore fans to note rather than a hint at a future appearance (like Strange’s name check in The Winter Soldier). On the other hand, we could be wrong. She could turn up as a member of the Serpent Society in a future Captain America movie perhaps?

Real name Tanya Sealy, Black Mamba is a supervillain and member of the aforementioned group of snake-themed villains (including The Wolverine‘s Viper and Luke Cage‘s Diamondback) as well as Baron Zemo’s Masters of Evil. Given her implant by the Roxxon Corporation – who have appeared and been referenced in numerous MCU properties – she has telepathic abilities and the power to ensnare her victims with Darkforce.

Speaking of which…