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Disney Just Roasted Their Own Star Wars Sequel Trilogy On Twitter

It seems that even Disney thinks the sequel trilogy is bad.

Star Wars Rey

The Star Wars sequel trilogy is so polarizing that even Disney themselves are roasting it on Twitter. Back in the day, The Force Awakens managed to go down pretty well, but then The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker happened and ensured that — against all the odds — the sequels arguably became even more criticized than the prequel films. And it’s got to the point where the actual studio that produced the trilogy is making fun of them on Twitter for clout.

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The latest meme doing the rounds on Twitter involves people quoting something someone might say that would be a major red flag for them. Official Disney account @disneyplusla — the Latin American Disney Plus account — got in on the trend with its own tweet that threw the sequels under the bus. The joke, translated into English, reads: “The latest Star Wars trilogy is the best” followed by a ton of red flag emojis.


Disney’s attempts to extend George Lucas’ sci-fi saga have definitely delivered mixed results. It seems for every Rogue One, there’s a Rise of Skywalker. That’s probably why Lucasfilm has parked the film franchise for the moment – though further films, including Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron, are in the works – and is focusing on its TV series instead. And is currently finding much more consistent success with them, too.

I guess on the back of the global phenomenon that is The Mandalorian, Disney feels confident enough to poke fun at its past mistakes like this. Obviously, this tweet was the work of the account’s social media manager, but the fact that it has yet to be removed proves that it’s not a rogue tweet and the studio is happy to endorse this message. So there you go, folks: Even Disney thinks the sequel trilogy is bad.

The next chapter in the Star Wars universe is The Book of Boba Fett, coming to Disney Plus this Dec. 29.