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Disney and Marvel could solve one of the MCU’s biggest problems by taking a page out of Netflix’s book

It's a no-brainer.

Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica jones and Iron Fist
Image via Netflix

The MCU has been going downhill as of late, that’s no huge secret. Right now, Marvel fans are undoubtedly divided as to the MCU’s potential, which hasn’t seemed all too promising. There have been arguments made that the MCU hasn’t been the same since Avengers: Endgame, whereas other claims suggest that the multiverse has aged like fine wine.

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It’s Marvel’s incessant need to implement crossovers that has ruined the franchise’s reputation. Some years ago, Marvel could be considered the largest subsidiary in the world, operating under Walt Disney. Nowadays, many aren’t so hasty to label Marvel as anything other than a washed-out bygone — a shell of its former self. But as Marvel plummets, streaming services like Disney Plus, Netflix, and Max continue to rise.

Following on from the success of The Last of Us, Max has rebranded from HBO Max, continuing to pump out entertaining content. The same can be said for Netflix, which brought us Squid Game, Wednesday, Stranger Things, and several Marvel Netflix shows that have since been canceled and removed.

Speaking of Marvel Netflix endeavors, that would include Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and — more recently — a crossover called The Defenders. Essentially a lesser-known version of the Avengers, there was talk of the Defenders joining the MCU some time ago, but it never came to fruition. And that’s probably for the best, especially since the MCU continues to disappoint while fans campaign to bring Marvel Netflix shows back. Granted, they did migrate over to Disney Plus once Netflix lost the rights, but they’ll always be OG Netflix shows in our hearts.

With Avengers: The Kang Dynasty coming up, who’s to say the Defenders won’t make an appearance? We should expect it, but at the same time, Marvel and Netflix had a tried-and-true formula going on. The Defenders remained separate, built their own fanbase, and the MCU kept its distance. Suddenly, all of that seems up in the air as Disney looms overhead in wait for the perfect opportunity to merge the two.

As the saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” And the same applies here. The Defenders are beloved — perhaps even more so than the Avengers — so wouldn’t it make far more sense to continue their individual stories under Disney Plus’ watchful eye rather than mash everyone together for the sake of a maximalist outlook?

The Defenders saga had nothing to do with the MCU since it ran from 2015, but as things get bigger and (questionably) better for the wider multiverse, it’s only a matter of time before the Defenders find themselves arriving through portals to lend a hand against an alien armada. While that would be undeniably cool, is it entirely necessary?

As we anticipate Daredevil: Born Again, we’ll wait with bated breath to see how this all plays out.