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Direct Cloverfield Sequel In Development, J.J. Abrams To Produce

The Hollywood Reported brings word today that a direct Cloverfield sequel is now in development, with J.J. Abrams producing.


Many, many franchises in Hollywood like to keep things mysterious, with a heavy curtain of secrecy draped over them to ensure that audiences remain in the dark and guessing right up until the next installment hits theaters. Indeed, be it Marvel, Star Wars or DC, to name just a few, secrecy is pretty common for the industry’s premiere brands, but few franchises are quite as mysterious as the Cloverfield one is.

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It all started in 2008 with Matt Reeves’ unique, entertaining and clever thriller that took the world by storm. While many figured at the time that it was a one and done deal, 2016 then brought us the excellent 10 Cloverfield Lane, revealing that a franchise was about to unfold. And sure enough, 2018 saw the arrival of The Cloverfield Paradox.

It’s been some time since we’ve heard anything about the future of the property, but today brings news that a new Cloverfield film is in development and it’ll act as a direct sequel to the original.


The Hollywood Reporter has the scoop, writing that British scribe Joe Barton will pen the script, with J.J. Abrams producing. Plot details are non-existent at this early, early stage, but THR notes that it won’t be in the found footage format. Beyond that, though, there’s not much they can share just yet.

Still, this is hugely exciting news, as a direct sequel to Cloverfield is something that a lot of fans have been asking for for a long time and getting to see more from this intriguing, mysterious world is sure to be a treat. Now we just need to sit tight for a while until we can discover what surprises Abrams has in store for us with the next entry in the series.