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In Defense Of: “Alien Vs. Predator” (2004)

Paul W.S. Anderson's critically maligned Alien Vs. Predator is by no means the best Alien or Predator film out there - but here's why it's worth a watch.

You’ll Enjoy It More, If You Turn Your Brain Off

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Why is the incubation period for the chestbursters so short? Aren’t predators supposed to only hunt in hot weather? Why is there a love interest between the central protagonist and the predator? Don’t overthink it, people!

Yep, Alien Vs. Predator is not a great film, not by a country mile. The dialogue at some points is dire, and the characterization is mostly threadbare. However, it’s an unabashedly fun movie – an unpretentious piece of bombastic, mindless entertainment. Its opening globetrotting act is akin to a Michael Crichton film, as the team is slowly assembled before heading across the world to “make history” for Charles Bishop Weyland (played by the OG Lance Henriksen). Admittedly, it’s a formula that feels a little derivative, but it simultaneously acts as comfort food for my ol’ lizard brain.

What really helped me to enjoy the film – and it may help you, too – was to think of it as a non-cannon offshoot of the Alien and Predator series. On the whole, the pulpy throwaway story doesn’t really make a lick of sense, but when the action finally drops anchor, it’s a surprisingly glorious piece of fan-service that scratches a gigantic xenomorph and yautja shaped itch.

Sure, it may have its fair share of issues, but I still consider Alien Vs. Predator to be a pretty fun take on the sci-fi horror franchise in a “turn off your brain and eat some popcorn” kinda way. But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Even James Cameron liked it. That’s gotta count for something, right?