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Deadpool 2 And New Mutants Expected To Be Released In 2018

The only Marvel movie Twentieth Century Fox has coming in 2017 is Logan, and their plans for 2018 are currently unclear. The Fantastic Four franchise is on the shelf at the moment, while plans for X-Men: Supernova haven't been made public just yet. There's no reason to worry, however, as Simon Kinberg (who's rumoured to take the helm of the X-Men: Apocalypse follow-up) has revealed at least two projects coming our way which fans can start looking forward to.

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The only Marvel movie Twentieth Century Fox has coming in 2017 is Logan, and their plans for 2018 are currently unclear. The Fantastic Four franchise is on the shelf at the moment, while plans for X-Men: Supernova haven’t been made public just yet. There’s no reason to worry, however, as Simon Kinberg (who’s rumoured to take the helm of the X-Men: Apocalypse follow-up) has revealed at least two projects coming our way which fans can start looking forward to.

Talking about Fox’s plans for their X-Men properties, he confirmed that both Deadpool 2 and New Mutants will shoot later this year so that they can hopefully reach theaters in 2018. That’s a positive update for both projects, especially the former, given the apparent troubles it’s been facing.

Here’s Kinberg’s exact quote:

“We’re gearing up to make both of them this year. New Mutants we’re waiting on a new draft of the script, which we’re all very excited about. Josh Boone has been prepping that movie. Josh is someone who is a lifelong, hardcore fan of New Mutants, and the plan is to make that movie late spring, early summer of this year, and have it come out next year.

Similarly with Deadpool 2, Ryan and the guys have been working hard on the script. We have a really good script for that movie, and we’re into the casting process right now for some of the new characters. There aren’t a lot of new characters, but there are some big ones, as I’m sure you can imagine. And the plan would be to shoot that movie this year as well and have it come out next year. So potentially next year you will have a surfeit of X-Men and X-Men-related movies in theaters.”

There’s no mention of X-Men: Supernova there, but it’s feasible that that could also start shooting late in 2017 for release next year. After all, it’s rumored to head in front of cameras this spring, and with the other two films also heading into production then as well, that’d certainly make sense.

2016 was a mixed year for the studio, as Deadpool exceeded expectations and X-Men: Apocalypse disappointed. Still, you have to give Fox credit for having such ambitious plans for their Marvel properties. Not only that, but it really feels like they’re finally starting to take advantage of the huge slate of characters they own, and both of the aforementioned projects should help make 2018 a particularly good year for fans of the comic books they’re based on.

Tell us, which of these films are you most excited for? New Mutants, or Deadpool 2? Sound off in the usual place and let us know!